This afternoon, I took a nap (which gradually became a habit, especially this holiday). It was a short dream.
The setting took place in a fictional theme park, resembling Dufan or Gold Coast's Dreamworld that I've been before. I was there with the other twelfth graders. Before that I'd like to tell you something that before I had this dream, another similar event occurred in my real life. So the whole twelfth graders went to Dufan to end their City Tour. Anyway in this version of event (or in the dream), the twelfth graders were divided into several groups, of course to our disliking. Surely we preferred to hang around the theme park with our close friends.
The rules were broken then. I started to reunite with my friends there and together we travelled around the theme park, got on some rides, and even I got on a adrenaline-rushing rides, like Tower of Terror (this ride is real, and you can find it in Dreamworld, Gold Coast, Australia). In real life, I'm pretty much a coward. But this is what I like about dreams: you can be your opposite you.
While being swung by the carriages, out of nowhere, from another carriage, I took a glimpse of a familiar figure sitting on it. He resembled much like Daniel Radcliffe (don't ask why), but he seemed to have waved at me. I waved back at him.
After the ride, the clock struck 5 (this was the exact time when we ended our fun in Dufan a few months ago) and the sun has set. My friends returned to their groups, in order to be checked by the teachers once in the bus. But before we departed, I reminded them that they'd missed one of the important rides in the theme park. It wasn't exactly a ride, but it was more like a 3D movie/simulator. But they said, the other twelfth graders didn't seem to be interested in it because it was lame (this is a reference to my real life situation. In Dufan, my friends and I rode on a 3D simulator which I found quite interesting, but all my friends said it was lame. They didn't recommend the ride to the others)
The groups slowly started leaving the theme park before dark. But as for me, and another friend left, we went to the restroom first, before getting on to the bus and settling for the long ride home. In the restroom, suddenly we were startled by the presences of green-like insects spreading all over the place. They resembled like a mixed cockroach and leeches (FYI, I'm extremely digusted by leeches, but cockroaches are okay for me. Perhaps that's because I've just seen The Last Mimzy this morning and saw exactly the same creatures).
Okay, then I woke up, to find that it was 3.30 pm, and also with the thought that I should post this on my new blog :)
Itu sih minta dielus, tapi malah digampar
6 years ago
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